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Principal's Message

Dear El Puente Community,
I want to express what a joy it has been to serve as the principal of this wonderful school. Our students, families, and staff are such amazing people, and I will miss everyone dearly.  After three years as principal and seven years in the district, my family and I have decided to leave the Central Coast and take on a new adventure. What exactly that will look like is yet to be seen – and I’m pretty sure that’s what makes it an adventure.
I wish everyone at El Puente the best in the future and want to assure you that we will be ready to receive everyone on the first day of school, August 6th. Our staff is some of the best in the district and will continue to serve our students with alacrity and skill, just as they have in the past. We do not know right now who the next principal will be, however I am confident that whoever is chosen will continue to lead El Puente defly and compassionately.
All the best,
Jonathan Green